Dear Watershed Supporters

As you all well know, we have endured during these past four years a pig-headed cover-up Government that would not consult, explain, listen, engage, and thankfully they are now gone. We have been vindicated.

Here’s hoping the new Government brings a fresh approach to water, a sustainable water future.

There are published signs of change.

Premier Ted Bailleu on Stateline before the election, and the wider media afterward, has undertaken to release the full desal contract if legally allowed, and to examine if the project can be scaled back which would bring cost savings, environmental savings, and an opportunity for other water options to be advanced in the future.

I welcome too the appointment of Peter Walsh as the Minister in charge of water Statewide, a positive step away from factionalised city/country water policy and projects.

Thankyou to everyone who has helped bring this change about, and we look forward to a new era of politics with prospect of new water beginnings.

best wishes everyone for a merry Christmas, a happy New Year, and the end of a long drought in respect both of rainfall and inept Government.

Stephen Cannon