It has been about nine months now since the consortium building the desalination plant last met with the community to give any details of what they plan to build.
This is a very unsatisfactory situation. The government have set up a community liason committee that gives the community the same spin answers as the DSE used to. After requesting the answers to many questions over the last months without getting answers we called for another community forum. In the end we have had to set one up ourselves. Senior staff of the consortium have been asked to attend and sit on a panel, as have staff of the Bass Coast Shire. We also have a panel of water, environmental and economic experts to help answer the community’s questions about the desal plant being built and its likely effects.
FREE ADMISSION: Â Saturday 22nd May
Wonthaggi Town Hall, 7.30 pm.
Please click on the poster and print off copies to distribute to those you think might be interested